Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Many are wondering what the vector control ordinance is all about. As the principal proponent, I felt a sense of duty on my part to explain what is this all about.

Vector is defined as an organism which, either directly or indirectly, via micro organisms which it carries, can transmit disease to man. The term "vector" shall ordinarily but not exclusively refer to rodent, insect or vermin species such as rats, mice, mosquitoes, cockroaches, and the like. The purpose of the ordinance is to protect public health, safety and the general welfare by:

A. Preventing or controlling the spread of vector borne disease.

B. Averting the blighting effects which the presence of vector infestation places on an affected neighborhood, including undermining the desirabilty of housing, causing the decline in property value and contributing to the image of an environmentally unfit area.

C. Expanding the services of the City Health Office by making more regulations concerning vector control.

The proposed vector control ordinance seeks to control and eliminate vectors by removing harborage areas through spraying, poisoning, fumigating, trapping, or any legal vector elimination method which is not injurious to human health or the safety of domestic animals. It will be the responsibility of the City Health office to conduct inspection of residential as well as commercial establishments. The bottom line is for everybody to exert efforts in mantaining cleanliness in one's premises or sorroundings in order to achieve a vector-proof establishment.

A fine of Two Thousand Pesos or imprisonment of not more than thirty days or both at the discretion of the court is the penalty for persons who violate or permit the violation of this ordinance. This has been presented on first reading and awaits the action of the Committee on Health in which the measure was referred to.

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